Saturday 17 April 2010

My First Interview Page [Test 2)

This is my final Interview Page Layout.
I used the same design as my previous one. I kept the same consistent colour theme and same house-style.
I really liked the outcome of this page as I thought my previous interview page looked rushed and completely unconventional, and seemed like i didn't think it through therefore resulting in me just applying all of the contents everywhere and anywhere.
The background here is yet again black as the colour is part of my house-style and i feel that 'black' reflects my chosen colour pallet as it really goes well and complements all of the vibrant, loud, bright colours that i had chosen.
According to my rough layout sketch, everything went according to plan.
I had placed my main image on one side of the double page spread, and I had placed my interview's questions and answers on the left hand side, Each question went one after another in columns. The left side columns are adjusted in your typical left-to-right alignment, whereas on my right side columns I decide to differentiate and align the columns from right-to-left instead.
Pull quotes have also been used. I thought that the middle bit in between the two columns would have been empty and made the page look awkward, therefore I put two pull quotes in between to fill the space up and also make it look more like an music magazine interview page.

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