Saturday 17 April 2010

'Turnt UP' = My Magazine Name

After thoroughly going through my possible name choices I decided to go for 'Turnt UP'
The slang term 'Turnt UP' started in Los Angeles, California in late 2007 and has been used every since.
The Word 'Turnt UP' can have many meanings such as meaning on 'point' or 'on deck'; these also being slang terms.
'Turnt UP' also can mean being happy,excited, energetic, or having fun.
Basically, it also means when someone does something so unremarkably amazing that there's nothing left to say other then them turntin it up. You're either a natural turnt it or you're not. Sadly some people are natural turn it down's.. they can redeem themselves but it'll take a lot of practice and energy.
I decided to use this word or phrase as it can have numerous meanings and it is also a play on words as you can say 'Turn it up' but instead you can just shorten it down to 'Turnt UP'
As I have previously stated I would like my magazine to be simple, yet eye-catching and colourful, therefore that's the reason i chose the masthead to have six different colours that complemented each other so well.
I guess you could also say that the colours used are also my consistent colour pallet as these colours are often repeated throughout the magazine as they are part of my 'house style'
I decided to put the masthead behind an black background as the colours are bright and vibrant and stand out and reflect from it, whereas I don't think it would of given the same effect if being on an all white background.
These colours were also chosen because the name of the magazine is 'Turnt UP' and when automatically hearing the phrase you think 'Turn it up' which also refers to loud sounds etc.. so therefore the colours are loud and describing the masthead, magazine name all at the same time.

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